Worship at Mamre

Worship involves acknowledging God “to be, as He is, the only source of all virtue, justice, holiness, wisdom, truth, power, goodness, mercy, life, and salvation.” And thus, worship is “to ascribe and render to Him the glory of all that is good, to seek all things in Him alone, and in every want to have recourse to Him alone” (John Calvin, from his tract The Necessity of Reforming the Church).
FAQs About Mamre
What does Lord’s Day Service look like?
When you walk into the sanctuary, you will see many people having conversations and catching up on their week. At 11:00, we begin our worship service. We begin with announcements, then a prayer for the nations, and we praise the Triune God with the Doxology. We do have a choir, so if you enjoy singing, it is a great way to get involved. Our songs are filled with theological truths meant to focus our hearts and minds on the glory of our God. After the reading of scripture, prayer, and songs, we join together for the preached Word of God. After the Word, we come together as believers in Christ and engage in the Lord’s Table, where believers who have been baptized may partake.
How often do you take communion?
We take communion each Sunday Morning Service. Communion is open to all believers who have been baptized in a local church, through a Trinitarian Baptism as mandated by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20.
What should I wear?
We do not have a dress code at Mamre. However, we consider worship services to be a time of reverence for our Lord. So comfort is accepted, but moderation is requested.
Do you provide a nursery during service?
Yes! We provide a nursery for children between the ages of 0-3. We also provide Toddler Church for age 3-pre-school.
Is there any way I can serve?
Mamre has many ways to serve. We only ask that you become a member before becoming a helper. Once you have become a member, we can help you find out where your passion and gifts are that the Lord has given you.
Will there be someone there to help me when I arrive?
We have amazing workers in the church who love to help and direct you in any way that you need! You might see someone standing at the doors when you first walk in or walking outside of the fellowship hall and gymnasium who will be more than willing to guide you to your destination or help you find a pastor.
Do you have a youth Ministry?
We have an amazing youth ministry with an amazing ministry team! Sunday School is filled with students from toddlers to high schoolers. On Wednesdays at 7:00, we have AWANA where students (Toddlers-6th grade) are engaged in Bible lessons, memory verses, games, and snacks.
During that time, the Mamre Teen Group (7th Grade-12th Grade) meets for fellowship, worship, prayer, and Bible study.
Do you have Jr. Church?
Jr. Church is K-5th Grade every first and third Sunday.